What do Japanese McDonalds Have That You Don't?
Only 50% of Americans have access to curbside recycling. But 100% of Japanese McDonald's (note: pretend statistic) have recycling bins that put ours to shame. A reader who spent some time studying abroad in Japan sent along photos from a blog called Yokohamamama (say that 5 times fast!) to show us an example of what recycling is like in Japan.
"In Japan there are recycling bins everywhere! And several different types of bins for different types of products! People would look down on you if you didn't recycle properly," says our reader.
And Amy, the mama behind Yokohamama, "Whenever I go home to the States, it drives me nuts that I have to just dump everything into one bin. Where's the recycling? It seems like such an obvious thing for McDonald's to do, I can't believe they don't." Similar recycling systems exist in Japanese Starbucks, too.
Have you seen recycling systems better than ours during your travels? Tell us about them or send us a picture.